Stalk Rot

If drought conditions hit your area this summer, there’s a good chance stalk rot might be lurking in your fields. How do you know if your corn crop is at higher risk for lodging this harvest? Click here to put your crop to the test and prioritize which fields to harvest first.

Fall Armyworms

If you grow small grains like wheat, alfalfa, hay or cover crops, there could be big trouble lurking in your fields right now. Click here to determine if you’re at threshold levels and how to prevent armyworms from destroying your crop.

Is your pit foaming

If your manure pit is foaming manure pit, you need answers—now. Just ask John Yoder, vice president of manure-handling equipment for Eldon C. Stutsman, Inc., eastern Iowa’s largest retail and wholesale supplier of agricultural products. Plenty of products claim to manage foam, but not all deliver on their promises. A few years ago when the Stutsman team heard about ProfitProAG’s Manure Master FoamAway, they were interested, but skeptical. Around this same time, a farmer with a foaming pit was calling the Stutsman team for help, and time was of the essence

Are you a High-Brix Farmer?

Would you be willing to invest about $100 in a simple tool to assess the quality of your crop, week by week? It’s easy when you use a refractometer to measure Brix levels in your plants, right in the field. Higher Brix levels go hand in hand with heavier, more nutrient-dense corn. The heavier your corn, the more profit you make

Fight Flies with Smart Manure Management

Fight flies

Do you have fly problems? Steve Jaster from Medford, MN did until he started using Manure Master Plus–PA on his farm. “Some farmers are always looking for the cheapest product or a silver bullet to control files. My advice is to get Manure Master Plus and stick with it. When you manage files from the start, you have one less thing to worry about.” Read on for more details

Seedling Emergence

We’ve all seen a field or two that didn’t come up even. There are nice, tall corn plants right next to tiny, scrawny ones. Does this affect yield? If so, how much?