


Proven Solutions for Profitable, Efficient Livestock Farming
ProfitProAG carries a wide range of manure management solutions, high performance bedding, enhanced water conditioners and feed additives 


Manure Management

ProfitProAG’s line of Manure Master™ products aid farmers to

  • Liquefy bottom solids
  • Control odors
  • Reduce flies
  • Reduce toxic gases
  • Prevent crusting
  • Drop salt levels
  • Enhance nutrient content


Manure Master Plus–PA provides technology to enhance liquid manure
management including storage, handling, application, soil health, crop response
and environmental safety.


Product Benefits:

  • Odor reduction – reduced odor attracts fewer insect pests
  • Solid reduction
  • Ease of waste removal
  • Consistent nutrient levels top to bottom in the pit or lagoon
  • Promote animal growth as a result of improved environment
  • Increased weight gain through improved feed conversion
  • Mortality reduction as a result of improved health
  • Eliminate field streaking due to poor liquefaction and consistency
  • Improve nutritional content & biological activity in the soil to enhance root and crop growth

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Manure Master Mechanical Defoamer is an extremely effective and fast-acting liquid manure mechanical defoamer during pump-out. Apply at pump-out to knock down mechanical foam. By using Manure Master Mechanical Defoamer, full pump-out or manure tanker capacity can be achieved.

Product Benefits:

  • An environmentally acceptable alternative to diesel fuel as a defoamer
  • Up to an ROI of 5.7 to 1 from reduced mechanical foaming
  • Improves load capacity (up to 33%) and hauling efficiency
  • Time and fuel savings with less stress
  • Reduced labor and equipment cost

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Click here for the product label


Manure Master Conditioner’s main function is to tie-up toxins in the manure that slows manure microbial digestion. Treating manure with Manure Master Conditioner helps reduce pathogens by stimulating beneficial microbes, reducing ammonia release and overall odor, as well as increase decomposition, phosphorus/nitrogen retention and availability.


Product Benefits:

  • Ties-up toxins in the manure that slows manure microbial digestion
  • Helps reduce pathogens by stimulating beneficial microbes, reducing ammonia release and overall odor as well as increase decomposition, phosphorus/nitrogen retention and availability
  • Aids in the reduction or elimination of top solids and bottom sludge

Click here of the tech sheet

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Beef Production

Feed Additives

ProfitProAG’s line of feed additive products aid farmers to

  • Enhances feed digestion
  • Improves animal performance
  • Promotes healthier livestock

By-O-reg+ is a combination of unique, functional ingredients and technologies that aid in the health, growth and production of animals. By-O-reg+ animal feed supplements are based on purely organic, herbal and natural products.


Product Benefits:

  • Promote overall health and lower mortality
  • Prevent and reduces the adverse effects of microbial diseases
  • Improve performance 
  • Natural product
  • Improved feed conversion

Click here for the tech sheet

A natural flavoring agent for ruminants


By-O-reg+ Beef is a combination of unique, functional ingredients and technologies that aid in the health, growth and production of animals. By-O-reg+ Beef animal feed supplements are based on purely organic, herbal and natural products. By-O-reg+ Beef boosts the immune system with organic remedies which have substantial advantages over the application of chemicals.


Product Benefits:

  • Promote overall health and lower mortality
  • Prevent and reduces the adverse effects of microbial diseases
  • Improve performance and benefits
  • Natural product
  • Improved feed conversion


Click here for the tech sheet

Beef Production

Bedding & Bedding Conditioners

ProfitProAG’s line of bedding and bedding conditioner products aid farmers to

  • Promote moisture & odor absorbance capacity
  • Support animal health
  • Improve the cleanliness of livestock

Animal Care Bedding is an eco-friendly, biodegradable 100% all natural straw bedding for all types of animals. Non-allergenic and less dusty than most conventional beddings, it absorbs more odor and moisture than common bedding materials, wood shavings or sawdust. Its absorbent characteristics require less bedding and less disposal volume. Animal Care Bedding makes an excellent plant/animal based compost fertilizer.


Product Benefits:

  • Supports animal health, comfort and welfare
  • Less dusty than most conventional beddings
  • Absorbs more ammonia than common bedding materials
  • Strong moisture absorbance capacity ensures a dry bedding area for animals
  • Insulation effect, which helps prevent animal heat loss in cold weather
  • Requires less bedding volume than straw or wood shavings
  • Particle size is easy to spread
  • Improves cleanliness and appearance of animals
  • Improves barn or stable appearance
  • Less bedding volume equals reduced labor and disposal costs
  • Derived from a natural and renewable source
  • Faster biodegradable breakdown when applied to soil in comparison to wood based bedding
  • More Fire-resistant then straw or wood based beddings


Click here for the tech sheet


BarnTender – the stall freshener with peppermint oil – offers an alternative to lengthy manure composting and allows manure to be recycled faster. Replaces artificial chemical fertilizers with natural ingredients. Once composted, the manure can be used as a natural fertilizer for gardens or spread on crop land.


Product Benefits:

  • For stalls, kennels and outdoor shelters
  • Respiratory friendly
  • Fresher air quality during confinement
  • Extend bedding life
  • Enhance composting
  • May act as a fly, mice and spider deterrent
  • Absorb moisture
  • Help neutralize ammonia and odors
  • Essential Peppermint Oil infused

Click here for the tech sheet

Beef Production

Water Conditioners

ProfitProAG’s line of water conditioner products aid farmers to

  • Increase natural processes essential to livestock
Eubio-NBS (LDWE + TM) is a natural livestock drinking water enhancer with trace minerals. It optimizes and stimulates the biological water medium to help increase already existing natural processes that are essential to livestock operations. Product Benefits: 
  • Biodegradable, non-corrosive and non-irritating
  • Boosts the immune system to improve animal vitality and health 
  • Aids in ease of facility cleaning
  • Cleans out water lines
  • Enhances the oxygen levels in treated water
  • Enhances libido and breed back
  • Improves feed efficiency
  • Increases water and feed intake
  • Aids in the bioaugmentation of manure
Click here for the tech sheet Click here for the product label

Ocean Trace Minerals – Livestock (OTM–L) is highly concentrated ocean water that undergoes a number of natural solar concentration processes where the sodium levels gradually reduce and leave an ionic solution low in sodium, yet packed full of other minerals and trace elements. These bio-essential building blocks of life are missing in many types of soil and thus feed. OTM–L infuses these essential nutrients back into livestock when administered through drinking water.



Jason Johnson of Johnson Valley Beef talks about the benefits of the Manure Master system of manure treatments.

Don’t leave yield potential in the manure lagoon
November 2020 webinar

Contact us today to learn more about how ProfitProAG’s solutions can help boost your livestock operation’s profit potential and sustainability.

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