Bring Salty Soil Back to Life
Microbes Help Manage Manure, Bringing Salty Soil Back to Life. The salt of the earth is a great thing—unless there’s too much of it in your soil. Excess salts can come from manure or commercial fertilizer applications, or they may be present in the soil naturally. “Too much salt is a killer,” said Dr. […]
Invoicing and Shipping Coordinator
Invoicing and Shipping Coordinator We want you to join our team. Apply Today! This position is responsible for coordinating with sales departments to process customer orders: Secure freight quotes, generate invoices, and execute product shipping. Specific Tasks: Process customer product invoices from sales orders Secure freight quotes Assist with product procurement from vendors Key product […]
Ag Telemarketing and Sales Job
Ag Telemarketing and Sales We want you to join our team. Apply Today! The primary function of the position is to telemarket ProfitProAG’s products and services to generate leads for the sales staff to follow-up on. Specific Tasks: Be a team member of the Marketing and sales activities of the company Work with marketing and […]
Don’t Leave Your Crops Vulnerable
Don’t Leave Your Crops Vulnerable to Disease With all the rainfall and flooding this summer, now’s the time to help protect your crops against disease. It starts with a regenerative approach to soil health and plant health. “Crop diseases are definitely a concern this year,” said Dennis Klockenga, CCA, a regenerative […]
Optimize Crop Stands
Optimize Crop Stands: 5 Ways to “Jump Start” Yield With increasing corn production costs and fluctuating grain prices, the management decisions you make at planting become more important than ever. While you often hear that higher yield potential all starts with the seed, selecting the right genetics for your acres is only part […]
Cornfield Priority
Which Cornfield Do You Prioritize First? With this year’s drought conditions, it’s important to consider corn stalk integrity challenges so you can prioritize which fields to harvest first. “In times of drought, there’s more cannibalization within the plant,” said Dennis Klockenga, a crops specialist with ProfitProAG. “It’s important to assess what […]
Water Revitalization Device
Water Unit Works for Wisconsin Dairy Farmer Mike Gudenkauf
Got Chitosan?
Got Chitosan? Suppress Harmful Insects, Diseases the Natural Way Chitosan might just be the most useful crop input you’ve never heard of. If you’re looking for ways to reduce chemicals and protect your crop from yield-robbing insects and disease, it’s time to get acquainted with this natural “super hero.” “Chitosan works […]
Goss’s Wilt Alert! Check Your Fields—Now
Goss’s Wilt Alert! Check Your Fields—Now Goss’s wilt is exploding in fields across the Corn Belt right now. If you haven’t been scouting your cornfields for Goss’s Wilt, get out there now. “I’ve never seen Goss’s Wilt this bad this early in the growing season,” said Dennis Klockenga, […]
Testimonials Tired of the Same Old Advice for Boosting Crop Yields? BioEnergy+ applied at 32 oz/acre at R1 growth stage 63.5 Bu/A 69.5 Bu/A 6.0 Bu/A Yield increase with BioEnergy+ Dale Viktora Minnesota When you’ve farmed for awhile, you’ve heard […]