Don’t Leave Your Crops Vulnerable
Don’t Leave Your Crops Vulnerable to Disease With all the rainfall and flooding this summer, now’s the time to help protect your crops against disease. It starts with a regenerative approach to soil health and plant health. “Crop diseases are definitely a concern this year,” said Dennis Klockenga, CCA, a regenerative […]
Optimize Crop Stands
Optimize Crop Stands: 5 Ways to “Jump Start” Yield With increasing corn production costs and fluctuating grain prices, the management decisions you make at planting become more important than ever. While you often hear that higher yield potential all starts with the seed, selecting the right genetics for your acres is only part […]
Cornfield Priority
Which Cornfield Do You Prioritize First? With this year’s drought conditions, it’s important to consider corn stalk integrity challenges so you can prioritize which fields to harvest first. “In times of drought, there’s more cannibalization within the plant,” said Dennis Klockenga, a crops specialist with ProfitProAG. “It’s important to assess what […]
Goss’s Wilt Alert! Check Your Fields—Now
Goss’s Wilt Alert! Check Your Fields—Now Goss’s wilt is exploding in fields across the Corn Belt right now. If you haven’t been scouting your cornfields for Goss’s Wilt, get out there now. “I’ve never seen Goss’s Wilt this bad this early in the growing season,” said Dennis Klockenga, […]
2023 Management Strategies for Goss’s Wilt and Tar Spot in Corn
2023 Management Strategies for Goss’s Wilt and Tar Spot in Corn What are diseases Goss’s Bacterial Wilt and Tar Spot fungus and why is there a concern? Goss’s Wilt is a bacterial disease found in corn. The bacteria shuts down the pipeline of nutrients and water from traveling up and down the stalk […]