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Don’t Leave Your Crops Vulnerable

Don’t Leave Your Crops Vulnerable to Disease     With all the rainfall and flooding this summer, now’s the time to help protect your crops against disease. It starts with a regenerative approach to soil health and plant health.     “Crop diseases are definitely...

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Optimize Crop Stands

Optimize Crop Stands: 5 Ways to “Jump Start” Yield     With increasing corn production costs and fluctuating grain prices, the management decisions you make at planting become more important than ever. While you often hear that higher yield potential all starts with the seed,...

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Cornfield Priority

Which Cornfield Do You Prioritize First?    With this year’s drought conditions, it’s important to consider corn stalk integrity challenges so you can prioritize which fields to harvest first.       “In times of drought, there’s more cannibalization within the plant,” said Dennis Klockenga,...

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Got Chitosan?

Got Chitosan? Suppress Harmful Insects, Diseases the Natural Way     Chitosan might just be the most useful crop input you’ve never heard of. If you’re looking for ways to reduce chemicals and protect your crop from yield-robbing insects and disease, it’s time to get...

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Goss’s Wilt Alert! Check Your Fields—Now

Goss’s Wilt Alert! Check Your Fields—Now       Goss’s wilt is exploding in fields across the Corn Belt right now. If you haven’t been scouting your cornfields for Goss’s Wilt, get out there now.         “I’ve never seen Goss’s Wilt this...

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