Soft Rock Phosphate

Soft Rock Phosphate Soft Rock Phosphate (SRP) • SRP (prill) (dry) (0.5-24-0.5-31Ca + trace elements)available in 2,200 lb tote• Application rate: 150 to 450 lbs/Acre• Provides calcium, phosphorus and 55 trace minerals• 3 to 5 year breakdown in soil—one of the best waysto build soil nutrient levels• Naturally mined product from Idaho• Can be approved […]

Potassium Sulfate K2SO4

Potassium Sulfate K2SO4 Potassium Sulfate K2SO4• Potassium Sulfate (prill) (dry) (0-0-50-18S)available in 2,000 lb tote• Application rate: 50 to 100 lbs/Acre• Provides sulfur needed for seed fill• Choose either Conventional or Organic


GroPAL is a highly concentrated ocean water concentrate that undergoes a number of natural solar concentration processes where the sodium levels gradually reduce and leave an ionic solution low in sodium, yet packed full of other minerals and trace elements. These bio-essential building blocks of life are missing in many types of soil. GroPAL infuses these essential nutrients back into the soil, the plant and the ecosystem.

Forage Enhancer

Forage EnhancerTM contains numerous groups of beneficial anaerobic microorganisms that improve the quality of fermentation. They also break down and reduce the complex carbohydrate structures in plants such as lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose, which are less digestible by the animals, and make these feed nutrients more bioavailable in the animal’s digestion process.

Profitcoat PB

ProfitCoat PB is a dry organic seed coating that promotes uniform emergence, increased seedling vigor, enhanced root health and standability throughout the growing season. It contains beneficial microorganisms that will colonize the germinating seedling root and boost the biology in the rhizosphere. The consortium of beneficial bacteria and fungi fix nitrogen, improve availability and solubility of plant nutrients in addition to enhancing the plant’s health. The coating contains a seed lubricant and up to 75 trace elements to support the microbes and seedlings during initial stages of growth.

Profitcoat +NB

ProfitCoat + NB is a liquid organic coating that promotes improved consistency and uniformity of stand, increased seedling vigor, enhanced root health and standability throughout the growing season. It contains beneficial m icroorganisms that will colonize the germinating seedling root and boost the biology in the rhizosphere. The consortium of beneficial bacteria and fungi fix nitrogen, improve availability and solubility of plant nutrients in addition to enhancing the plant’s health.

Profitcoat PB+OSI

ProfitCoat PB + OSI is a dry organic seed coating that promotes uniform emergence, increased seedling vigor, enhanced root health and standability throughout the growing season. It contains beneficial microorganisms that will colonize the germinating seedling root and boost the biology in the rhizosphere. The consortium of beneficial bacteria and fungi fix nitrogen,


Solu-PLKS is a soil conditioner extracted from leonardite ore and biodegradable ingredients. Solu-PLKS may help in macro and micronutrients availability for the plants and microorganisms. Contains Non-plant Food Ingredients.

Organic Molasses

Molasses provides an effective and available source of carbon energy, minerals and trace minerals that feed and stimulate the growth of beneficial microorganisms in your soil that build and maintain higher levels of available nutrients in the soil.


AgroThriveTM LFN 3.0–3.0–2.0 (N-P-K) is a premium organic fertilizer with a guaranteed minimum analysis of 3.0-3.0-2.0 NPK. This liquid fertilizer is ideal for organic agriculture where the goals are both nutrient supply and stimulation of soil microbes. It can also used in conventional practices for root stimulation.