Soft Rock Phosphate
Soft Rock Phosphate Soft Rock Phosphate (SRP) • SRP (prill) (dry) (0.5-24-0.5-31Ca + trace elements)available in 2,200 lb tote• Application rate: 150 to 450 lbs/Acre• Provides calcium, phosphorus and 55 trace minerals• 3 to 5 year breakdown in soil—one of the best waysto build soil nutrient levels• Naturally mined product from Idaho• Can be approved […]
Potassium Sulfate K2SO4
Potassium Sulfate K2SO4 Potassium Sulfate K2SO4• Potassium Sulfate (prill) (dry) (0-0-50-18S)available in 2,000 lb tote• Application rate: 50 to 100 lbs/Acre• Provides sulfur needed for seed fill• Choose either Conventional or Organic
Elemental Sulfur
Elemental Sulfur Elemental Sulfur (E.S.) • E.S. (prill) (dry) (95-98% S)available in 2,700 lb super tote• Application rate: 100 to 200 lbs/Acre• 3 to 5 year breakdown in soil• Naturally mined product from Canada• May reduce tight, sticky soils• Can be approved for Organic Use
Pacific Gro – Oceanic Hydrolysate
Pacific Gro – Oceanic Hydrolysate Pacific Gro is an organic source of a great range of nutrients that improves soil health and builds humus. Fish oil is a preferred food source for soil microorganisms, particularly beneficial fungi. Farmers noticea proliferation of soil life and restoration of a healthy fungal-bacterial balance. It’s often applied with microbial […]