I’ve been walking fields in the last several weeks and here are some of my observations from Minnesota and Iowa.
The residue digestion portion of ProfitProAG’s “Recipe for Success” is working well. I’m seeing corn stalk residue that is turning black on the outside. The pith on the inside is literally disintegrating. In fields with no-till soybeans planted into corn stalks the stalks were breaking down nicely.
I also saw evidence of biological activity under the old corn roots. There were many earthworms. The soil was aggregated and crumbled nicely. I also noticed many earthworm middens in the fields that were treated with the Crop Residue Digestion Program. Middens are areas in the soil where the earthworm forms a mound of residue so he can bring that residue down into his burrow during the night to feed on. Middens are good signs of earthworms and healthy biological activity. When you add cereal rye or other cover crops to the equation, we see up to 38% more middens according to the Iowa Learning Farms data.
Here are four more reasons to consider using the residue breakdown portion of the “Recipe for Success.”
These are just a few of the many good reasons to put our Crop Residue Digestion Program to work on your farm. Try it and see for yourself the positive difference it can make!
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